In so many ways, this year has been wonderful. Intensely busy. But, to be able to be a student again--what a joy!
On one of my last days of class, I chronicled my walk to school. It was so nice to live just 10 minutes away and get to experience the beauty of Taiwan every day. True, it was juxtaposed with 1950's U.S. military installation buildings. (Picture the Dharma Project from the TV series Lost.) But, by going to school a little early, I got to see and hear the birds, see dew on spider webs, watch the seasons change and see the clouds envelop Yangming Mountain.
Our house:
Part of my walk:

Sights along the way:

Much of the old military housing has been sold back to the bank. Rather than maintain it, they are letting the elements do their work before the whole area is redeveloped. So for now, an American ghost town in Taiwan.
It may look like this is a reflection of trees in the window, but the tree is actually growing on the inside of the house.

The inconspicuous entrance to our language school:

The school itself is nothing much to look at, but the environment and view can't be beat.

A view of the mountain in the morning mist.

Our library and break room:

Where I liked to study:

Some of my favorite teachers: