Sunday, March 30, 2014

Daily Life with Creative Kids

Our kids are in constant motion (unless in front of a screen or absorbed in a book).  On good days, it is creative motion; on bad days, destructive motion.  But, either way, we are usually running to catch up with them (and the messes).  Every once in a while, we capture the creativity with a picture.  Here are some examples.

Using the crib to reach the window to reach the kumquat tree, that clearly needed to be harvested.

A favorite way at our house to encourage the consumption of vegetables: funny face dinner.

Playdough factory to market: each kid was creating a different good (bricks, coins, etc.) and trading them.

Lego Friends: a beach house for friends and pets (with a full story to go with it)

A butterfly cage

A frog leash

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Claire is Eight!

After the baptism, everyone joined us at our house for a birthday party.  Bumblebee theme with a beehive cake and pinata.  Lots of fun!

Claire's Baptism

A big day for Claire!  Lots of friends from our ward, neighborhood and Claire's school joined us.  The meeting was conducted bi-lingually, and half the talks were in English, half in Chinese.  Although Claire didn't like being the center of attention, everything went well, and it was a very nice meeting.  Claire has her own set of scriptures which she is already diligently marking, and she even fasted for one meal today, praying for her great-grandma to get stronger.  We are proud to be her parents!