Sunday, September 15, 2013

pomelo hat and moon cakes

The fruit of the season is pomelo (like a grapefruit with a very thick skin). Apparently, the Taiwan tradition is that at mid-Autumn festival, kids wear the peels as hats. We had to try it out...

The other food associated with mid-Autumn festival is moon cakes.  I get the feeling they are like fruitcakes at Christmas.  They are more about form than function (it's all about how pretty they are and the pretty box they come in).  They also like to be re-gifted.  I'm guessing only a few people out there actually like to eat them—my  mom (fruitcakes, that is) and as we discovered last night--Paul (moon cakes, that is).  You can see the different kids' reactions as we tried the moon cakes a sister at church re-gifted us (she told me as much).  These have red bean paste and a cooked egg yolk in the middle.

Sylvie wants to know why she can't have one of Grandma's chocolate chip cookies instead. Claire ate the bean paste part and tossed the yolk.  Paul gobbled the whole dry pasty thing down.  Joel's ended up in bits all over the place.


  1. I think there will be a lot of Chinese food that will take some getting used to. What I miss the most is.....Mango smoothies!
